A Community Development Worker who helped Ukrainians fleeing their war-torn country has been voted this year’s People’s Champion in Aberdeen City Council’s Star Awards.

Dorothy Burke was recognised for her passion and commitment at work, and in particular for supporting Ukrainians arriving in Aberdeen.

The Star Awards are the Council’s annual staff recognition awards. Nominations across a range of categories are made by colleagues and an external panel of representatives from local voluntary groups chooses the top three in each.

The categories also include a People’s Champion – nominated and voted for by the people of Aberdeen.

On winning the award, Dorothy said: “I would like to thank everyone who has voted for me, it was a complete surprise to be nominated and feels fantastic to be recognised. I have only been part of the community learning team for less than a year but during this time I have met lots of amazing people who inspire me every day.”

Chief Executive Angela Scott said: “It was wonderful to see Dorothy being recognised as the ‘People’s Champion’ at the Star Awards. Like all our nominees across the categories, her focus is very much on improving life for the people of Aberdeen, and it is especially rewarding when the public show their appreciation directly.”

Council co-leader Councillor Alex Nicoll said: “The Star Awards is a celebration of all that is best about public service – taking a pride in our city and the way we run it. Every day our staff make a difference and it’s heartening when their efforts are acknowledged by peers and the wider public in the case of our ‘People’s Champion’.”

Council co-leader Councillor Ian Yuill said: “Recent global events have underlined the importance of all that Aberdeen City Council does, from delivering education to helping look after Aberdeen’s most vulnerable residents. The Council’s success is down to its staff, and the Star Awards is a fitting tribute to those lead the way.”

This year’s ceremony, the 10th, took place at the council’s Beach Ballroom on September 30.

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