Pupils from two Aberdeen schools were at their blooming best today (June 16) as they planted winning flowerbed designs.

The youngsters from Cults and Hazlehead Primaries won a city-wide competition to design the beds on Great Southern Road which will be a part of Aberdeen’s national In Bloom campaign.

This competition was open to all primary schools and special schools in Aberdeen, with three age categories – primaries one to three, primary four and five, and primary six and seven. Children from St Joseph’s School were also winners but unfortunately could not be at the planting today.

Communities, Housing and Infrastructure Vice-Convener Councillor Jean Morrison said: “The pupils came up with some wonderful designs and it’s great to see them interested in the natural environment.

“The flowerbeds will no doubt look gorgeous soon when the flowers are blooming and I look forward to seeing them.”

The pupils and their families, as well as other residents and visitors, will be able to see the design all summer. The flowerbeds will also play a vital part as the city is entered into national In Bloom competitions.

The children who designed the winning flowerbeds will receive £100 of Garden Centre vouchers for their school.

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