Recent investment at technology specialist  SureVoIP creates opportunities for growth

A leading Software as a Service (SaaS) provider has announced it is on track for significant growth, having invested heavily in its people, systems and processes over the past few months.

SureVoIP, which specialises in using the internet to deliver telecoms – more commonly known as voice-over internet protocol (VoIP), has enhanced its software offering with a strong focus on integration with other systems, analytics and improving operational efficiencies.

The business recently announced it had achieved the integration with Signalling System No.7 (SS7) telephony following an intensive 18 - month process and at a cost of more than £100,000. SS7 is an Ofcom-regulated way of physically connecting to BT’s own network, rather than over the internet.

This will allow the business to compete on a level playing field with some of the industry’s major players – such as BT, Gamma, TalkTalk, or Virgin – and create opportunities for future growth.

The Aberdeen-based company, which is a network operator with its own equipment in Edinburgh and London, is the first Scottish-owned and headquartered internet telephony service provider (ITSP) to achieve this standard – the highest level that can be reached by an independent firm.

SureVoIP, which currently employs seven staff, is looking to add a further three people to its team by early 2018 to help develop its existing software and product offering. This follows the recent appointments of Ryan Matthews as sales and billing administrator and Scott Falconer as junior system administrator, both graduates from the Robert Gordon University.

Ryan has helped streamline billing operations and customer service, while Scott recently passed his SSCA session initiation protocol (SIP) training and SIP certification in record time; further strengthening the company’s in-house skillset focused exclusively on VoIP.

Gavin Henry, managing director at SureVoIP, said: “It’s been an extremely positive period for the business and we are experiencing increased demand from companies that recognise the benefits of switching to VoIP-based telecoms as opposed to traditional landlines.

“Our focus on uptime and providing stability for clients’ business-critical communications has strengthened SureVoIP’s reputation, while the commitment to invest in the right technology has further improved the overall slickness of our operations and service offering.”

The Aberdeen-based company is continuing to expand into new market sectors including finance, travel, hospitality, and renewables with a growing and increasingly diverse customer base across the UK and internationally.

SureVoIP has also completed the lengthy BT Openreach WLR3 (Wholesale Line Rental 3) set-up phase which enables full access to the entire suite of BT Openreach products and services.

This closer relationship provides SureVoIP with direct links to the lowest level of the UK’s network infrastructure; bringing unique troubleshooting ability, early market insight and putting SureVoIP on the same tier as other market leaders.

Gavin added: “This new direct relationship with BT Openreach gives us even greater credibility in the marketplace and opens new avenues for us to extend our reach nationally and beyond.

“It also ties in with our strong focus on process optimisation and commitment to automation through removing all manual processes which, in turn, can bring serious benefits to both our clients and partners as we no longer rely on a third party to access these services.”

Established in 2011, SureVoIP services the VoIP telephony requirements of more than 1,000 companies of varying size, from multinational oil majors to national charities. The company is a carrier-grade VoIP provider and delivers its service over the firm’s own wholly owned and managed systems – providing clients with the reassurance of a UK-based technical support team.

In June 2016, SureVoIP won the Internet Telephony Service Provider Association’s (ITSPA) UK-wide award for Best Business ITSP (Medium Enterprise). The business received further recognition from the ITSPA when it was awarded the organisation’s coveted Quality Mark in recognition of SureVoIP’s innovative approach to business communications.

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