A record-breaking visiting delegation from Norway played an integral part in the success of a major international business event which took place in Aberdeen on Wednesday.

The eleventh annual Aberdeen-Norway Gateway was held by Granite PR in association with ONS, Invest in Rogaland and Port of Hammerfest and chaired by City of Stavanger Energy Sector Advisor, Birger Haraldseid.

The lunchtime session at the award-winning Macdonald Norwood Hall Hotel heard from ONS President and CEO Leif Johan Sevland that plans for the landmark 50th anniversary ONS in Stavanger in August are continuing with some pace.

A packed programme of presentations also highlighted key economic considerations, including Norway’s $82million maritime sector which employs some 85,000 people, and its goal to develop 30GW of offshore wind capacity by 2024. Among the UK-based organisations which were profiled was Aberdeen International Airport which is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year.

Also included in the line-up of speakers was ETZ International Development Manager Jacqui Watt who told delegates: “The supply chains and infrastructure developments over years of oil and gas exploration are interconnected, with many Scottish firms providing services to Norwegian projects and vice versa.

“Overall, these factors create a robust framework for ongoing and future energy collaborations between Norway and Scotland, benefitting both countries economically, technologically and environmentally.”

Leif Johan Sevland added: “It is important to be here in person to meet the Scottish industry. Events such as the Gateway are platforms to meet, engage and inspire whilst learning from each other and sowing the seeds of future collaborations.”

The Aberdeen-Norway Gateway 2024 was supported by Aberdeen City Council, City of Stavanger, Invest Rogaland, Port of Hammerfest, Energy Transition Zone, ONS, Stronachs, Aberdeen International Airport, Scandinavian Airlines, Consortiq, Rambase/Hatteland Group.

To find out more, visit www.granitepr.co.uk

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