Recycling firm opens new central belt office committing a six figure sum to aid expansion

A leading Scottish organic recycling firm has opened a new office at Linlithgow to meet demand from customers.

Keenan Recycling, based at New Deer in Aberdeenshire, has started collecting organic waste from businesses in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and has invested £700,000 in a new fleet of six lorries to meet the demands of the new service.

The specialist firm has already secured food waste collections from around 600 businesses,with that number expected to reach 1,000 within two months of the service being rolled out.

The move will help companies meet targets set out in The Waste (Scotland) Regulations, which requires any businesses producing more than just 5kg of food waste per week to recycle it by January 2016.

Keenan Recycling has appointed Malcolm Coppins as food waste collections manager with a team of four dedicated staff.

Account manager at Keenan Recycling, Claire Keenan, said: “We are delighted to be working with our partners in the central belt to expand our services to a wider area. The new office is geographically well situated and allows us to strengthen our service in the central belt.

“Our staff already make collections over a vast area – from Stonehaven in the south to Tain in the north – and we are looking forward to growing the business in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

“The last few years have been amazing for us in terms of growth and we look forward to continuing that trend in the years to come.”

Keenan Recycling launched the commercial food waste collection scheme in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire in 2010, becoming the first company in the North-east offering organisations the opportunity to recycle items such as leftover food, coffee grounds, cups and paper towels.

The firm also deals with tens of thousands of tonnes of food and green waste from local authorities across Scotland.

Since the introduction of the Waste (Scotland) Regulations in January 2014, Keenan Recycling has seen its client list triple from 600 to 1800 and now processes more than 60,000 tonnes of waste at its award-winning site.

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