The Scottish Enterprise/SMAS Energy Transition Business Improvement Academy starts January 30, 2024 in the Aberdeen City and Shire Region.

If you're working with a manufacturing company looking to improve their process excellence to gain an advantage in the renewable energy supply chain, then this Academy is for them.

It is specifically designed in conjunction with the Process Excellence requirements of Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult’s (OREC) Fit for Offshore Renewables (F4OR) programme’s Business Excellence scheme, a scheme developed to support UK supply chain to get ready to bid for work in the offshore renewable energy sector and capitalize on the opportunities this sector presents. The Academy combines a mix of workshop based (one-to-few) learning combined with on-site (one-to-one) project work to support companies wishing to engage in the concept of sustainable continuous improvement by combining improvement tools and techniques with cultural and behavioural change.

To help strengthen engagement between manufacturing and engineering companies and Scotland’s innovation network, the Academy will be held at the new W-Zero-1 collaboration space at Energy Transition Zone, Aberdeen - a hub for renewable energies in the North East.

If you’re interested in securing a place on this latest Academy, please contact Ashley Gibson –

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