Signal partnered with Paisley-based, Safety Culture agency We Are Brass Tacks (WABT) to create a series of four health and safety scenario-based films for waste management company Biffa.

This was a complex shoot: filming would take place in four of Biffa’s locations in and around Leicester, with eight actors and multiple vehicles and plant. To make filming even more complicated, the locations would be ‘live’ meaning that Biffa machinery and vehicles would be operating at the same time.

The pre-production work needed to be precise.

Pre-planning on a project of this nature is critical to its success. We worked in close collaboration with WABT, to ensure that filming would be efficient and, most importantly, safe. Shot lists were created, travel & accommodation booked, scripts sent to the cast (well in advance so they could be “off-book”), and filming permissions requested.

Finally, our crew set off, driving 450 miles, kit in the back, from Aberdeen to Leicester. There followed four very intense days of filming.

After all the preparation, the shoot was over in a flash. Signal’s crew, the WABT team, and Biffa bid farewell, and we began the journey back home. Once back in our editing suites, the next part of the production process began. Four days of footage, shot on multiple cameras, had to be organised & categorised into “best takes” and compiled into a series of dramatic scenes, together with a bespoke sound design.

The result is an engaging, educational, and impactful, set of films with powerful safety messages that resonate beyond the world of waste management.

WABT said: “When we have complex operational shoots and film projects to produce, we call our partners at Signal. From dealing with big pre-production processes to the intricacies of shooting on a live work site we always trust Signal to deliver. We’re looking forward to partnering with them again on Season 2 this year.”

Learn more about Aberdeen’s leading video production company here:

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