Iona Mclean and her daughter Isla Grace Will made Tuesday a very special day for Aberdeen Maternity Hospital midwife, Kay Leslie. They joined Kay's team to celebrate the presentation of a DAISY Award – for nurses and midwives who offer exceptional care – in her honour.

Iona developed severe preeclampsia during her pregnancy and was supported by Kay who she says was "absolutely amazing and incredibly calming." Isla Grace is now almost 20 months old and thriving, and when Iona noticed the DAISY Awards being promoted in a local GP practice last year she immediately thought of Kay.

Iona says she and her partner will forever remember Kay. She said: "We could never have gotten through the birth of our daughter nor the hours afterwards if it wasn't for Kay. She was exemplary at her job."

Kay is keen to recognise the work of the wider team at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital who work together to provide the best possible services to families. If you would like to nominate a nurse or midwife for a DAISY Award, please visit: NHS Grampian DAISY Awards

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