Acknowledgement of subject matter expertise doesn't come much stronger than being entrusted to develop industry guidance.

In 2022, Offshore Energies UK Ltd (OEUK) recognised this expertise when it commissioned SRCN Solutions to create the OEUK Maintenance Backlog Measurement, Interpretation and Management Guidelines, providing invaluable insights and tools for its members.

Building on this success, OEUK recently identified a need for comprehensive guidance on Backlog Reduction within the industry. Once again, it turned to SRCN Solutions to lead the development of the OEUK Maintenance Backlog Reduction Guidelines.

SRCN is now in the final stages of preparing these guidelines, which will be officially released to the industry by OEUK in the coming weeks.

Graham Skinner, health and safety manager, OEUK said: “The offshore energy industry has worked collaboratively to share good practice and identify methods for sustainability reducing maintenance backlog, initiatives which have reduced safety critical backlog by a third. It is essential that this knowledge is captured as guidance for the future and SCRN were natural partners for the work due to their expertise and extensive experience with operators. The challenges of maintaining a manageable backlog will continue to face the industry and this updated guidance will be there to support efforts.”

About SRCN Solutions

SRCN Solutions are experts in creating, refining, and improving work management systems in the oil and gas, nuclear renewable, utilities, and power sectors. SRCN’s services range from work management assessments to maintenance backlog review and cleanse to maintenance strategy development. SRCN’s subject matter experts help organisations manage and execute its work with maximum efficiency and speed, freeing up the resources it needs to focus on the bigger picture.

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