Statement from ATPI Marine and Energy

In a statement released today, the company said:

"ATPI is here to help your organisation navigate through the challenges presented by the unprecedented situation that we are experiencing following the COVID-19 outbreak. With a legacy that has seen us weather turbulent times in the past, ATPI Marine and Energy remain committed to supporting our clients, as well as anyone else, that may require guidance during this difficult time.

"Further to previous experience and learnings, we have developed a comprehensive duty of care offering, including robust emergency response procedures, and can offer sector-specific expertise and consultancy services. If you’d like to talk through the challenges facing your organisation with regards to travel right now then please contact us.

"It is imperative to keep up to date with the situation regarding COVID-19. For guidance on where to find the most up-to-date information in relation to the spread of the virus, our approach to the outbreak and what steps you can take if you are concerned about upcoming travel plans, see ATPI's coronavirus FAQ document

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