The private client team at Stronachs has joined with legal technology specialist Settify to offer a new, bespoke online option to clients wishing to explore changing their existing will or making a new will.

Settify, the custom-built tool, is accessed via the firm’s website and uses artificial intelligence to interact with clients making enquiries for the first time. It explains legal jargon and provides relevant initial information to clients based on their particular circumstances.

The client is asked eight simple questions about their situation and are then provided with an initial report on where they stand and how Stronachs’ specialist lawyers can help in respect of their will.

Jaclyn Russell, head of the private client team said “Our STEP-qualified team are renowned for the very high level of personal service we provide to our clients and that will always be the case. However, the circumstances we have all found ourselves coping with over the last eight months has led to an increased use of technology, with video calls and virtual meetings replacing face to face meetings, and has demonstrated that we can maintain our level of client care while working in a very different manner.”

“Client confidence in utilising these formats has been such that we felt this was the right time to invest in additional ways of streamlining some of the steps that are necessary in private client law and in particular wills and estate planning.”

“The information gathered and organised by Settify allows clients to feel better prepared and also enables us to have the relevant information in place to ensure the first meeting is proactive and solution-focused rather than being a fact-finding mission.”

“We are the first firm in the North-east to adopt this system and we’re excited to be able to offer this innovative and intelligent technology, which being web-based is accessible at all times. Of course we continue to be available to those clients that would rather arrange an appointment to talk things through on a one-on-one basis; the decision to implement Settify is to meet the demands of the increasing number of clients who are comfortable with online options, and the initial information-gathering exercises that are a necessary part of estate planning naturally lend themselves to a digital solution.”

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