STV has launched two new initiatives aimed at helping businesses in Scotland grow. Market Voices is a free market research monitor which will provide key insights into consumer trends; and STV Business Spot is an on-air segment which will shine a spotlight on innovative and inspiring Scottish businesses.

MARKET VOICES will help inform businesses about what Scottish consumers are thinking. STV Commercial will commission Scotland’s biggest research panel, ScotPulse, and the service will bring businesses up-to-date research and insights, sharing the real voices of consumers from across the country, including what purchasing decisions they are prioritising and what is resonating with them - enabling businesses to maximise the effectiveness of their marketing.

Danielle Kelly, Director of Strategy and Sales (Scotland) said: “We are uniquely placed to share powerful insights on consumer sentiment. We know that investing in marketing can be transformational for businesses because we see it every day, but we also know that it can be time consuming and costly to find up-to-date trend information for Scotland. We want to make it easier for businesses to make the right decisions with valuable insights at their fingertips to maximise the impact and effectiveness of their marketing.”

STV BUSINESS SPOT will see the broadcaster showcase Scottish businesses across the channel in key airtime slots, making it easier for consumers to find out more about the businesses operating in Scotland. This spotlight will encourage businesses to tell their own unique and powerful stories, raising their profile and enabling them to tell their story to a mass audience.

The STV Business Spot will also be available as an extended fireside chat with business leaders in the STV Growth Academy hub, to help share insights and learnings across the Scottish business community.

Danielle Kelly added: “The past couple of years have been challenging for so many and, given the current economic backdrop, it’s more important than ever that the business community is supported to ensure that we thrive together. We’re confident that our new research offering and on-air spotlight campaigns will help businesses to maximise their marketing effectiveness and continue in their growth ambitions.”

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