Tomorrow (July 28) is the last day for people from across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire to have their say as part of a review of car parking in Aberdeen by the City Council.

The Strategic Car Parking Review is being held to examine how the existing car parking in the public and private sectors fits in with the region’s aims for the economy, people’s social and working lives, and our environment.

The Review will also look at how well the current provision of on and off-street parking fits with the City Council’s strategic transport and land use plans.

The information gleaned from the survey will be used alongside other work for the Review which has already been carried out with community groups and stakeholders including the Disability Equity Partnership to find out their views on parking.

The survey should not take more than 10 minutes to complete and the closing date is tomorrow. There will be feedback on the survey results at a later date.

Anyone wanting to take part in the review can find it at the website address

Copies of the survey will also be available at libraries, community centres and the reception of Marischal College.

The Review is being funded by the City Centre Masterplan, which is a 25-year multi-million pound project designed to kick-start a public and private sector regeneration of the area.

The Review is also part of the Civitas Portis £3.2million project which received a European Union grant aimed at improving travel in the north-east and involves a consortium of council, university and private partners.

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