Your workforce is your best asset. NHS Grampian Workplace Health team would like to make you aware of the following free training available to all businesses and organisations in Grampian – based on national standard, held in Aberdeen, booking required on HWL adviceline 0800 019 2211 or booking forms to
Work postive: managing organisational stress (based on HSE management standards)
The course highlights the key role of line managers in reducing stress and promoting wellbeing as well as the importance of supporting employees to build their resilience in order to cope better under pressure and during period of change. Delegates leave the session with a draft project plan for implementing the Work Positive process in their workplace as well as lots of other useful resources to take away.
For more information click here.
Mentally Healthy workpalce training
The course is specifically designed for line managers, supervisors, human resources and occupational health staff and aims to:
- Give employers and line managers a broad understanding of mental health
- Increase awareness of mental health issues in the workplace
- Identify the key factors that contribute to a mentally healthy workplace
- Improve managers’ skills and confidence in dealing with mental health and wellbeing in the workplace
Ensure that managers are aware of their legislative responsibilities in relation to mental health and wellbeing.
Dates are as follows:
- February 12, 2018
- May 9, 2018
- August 13, 2018
- November 1, 2018
- February 11, 2019
- May 8, 2019
- August 12, 2019
- November 13, 2019
Managing alcohol and drugs in the workplace
The sessions will enable employers and managers to create a greater awareness around alcohol and drugs in their workplace and provide them with the knowledge and skills to deal with issues as they arise.
The sessions have been designed by Alcohol Focus Scotland trainers and are co-ordinated and delivered by Alcohol Focus Scotland.
For more information click here.