A live online event is being held to showcase the range of support and opportunities which exist for rurally-based digital tech businesses in the North-east.
Hosted by Aberdeenshire Council and LINA, the hour-long interactive webinar on Wednesday, May 20 will enable firms to learn more about a variety of initiatives on offer from organisations such as Opportunity North East, ScotlandIS, Scottish Enterprise, Interface and Live Life Aberdeenshire.
There will also be an opportunity to hear from rural businesses UltraNetworks and Digital Maker about their experience of being a rural business and the challenges they have faced.
James Buckley of Team Red 5 will explain why businesses should increase their awareness of cyber security now that we are increasingly using online platforms to communicate with colleagues, collaborators and customers.
There will also be a chance for businesses to tell Aberdeenshire Council and LINA about the challenges and opportunities facing rural businesses to help shape future activity for the tech sector in the region.
Any businesses wishing to attend the webinar which runs from 11am to 12noon on the 20th should email suzanne.rhind@aberdeenshire.gov.uk