Aberdeen is set to shine brighter than ever as Willbox proudly supports the production of Spectra, the largest light festival in Scotland, captivating audiences with mesmerizing art installations.

This illuminating event draws crowds to Aberdeen city centre, transforming the urban landscape into a dazzling showcase of creativity.

At the heart of this luminous spectacle is the event production company 'Live Event Management' who have used Willbox hire containers to store vital elements needed for the production of Spectra.

This secure, safe and weather tight solution ensures that the festival's operations run smoothly, allowing the event to unfold seamlessly and providing a platform for artists to bring their visions to life.

As Aberdeen prepares to be bathed in the glow of artistic brilliance, Willbox takes pride in playing it’s small part in Spectra 2024. With delivery at short notice, to a challenging central location in the heart of the city centre, Willbox were able to produce the perfect solution for tough, secure storage on site.

Willbox look forward to the city's streets becoming a canvas for artistic expression, attracting visitors from near and far to witness the magic of one of Scotland’s biggest light festivals. To learn more about how Willbox can support your business through shipping container sales, hire and bespoke conversion visit www.willbox.co.uk or reach out to Matthew Pirie, Regional Manager (Scotland) at matthew@willbox.co.uk.

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