Former First Minister Humza Yousaf has said rising Islamophobia across the UK could force him and his family to leave the country.

As far-right riots happen across England and Northern Ireland, Mr Yousaf told the News Agents podcast he "doesn't know" if the future of him and his family lies in Scotland, the UK, Europe or the West.

He admitted he has felt "really worried" about the rise of Islamophobia for "some time".

He continued: "Look, I’m about as Scottish as they come. Born in Scotland, raised in Scotland, educated in Scotland. Just welcomed my third child here in Scotland. Was a leader of the Scottish government for just over a year. Leader of the Scottish National Party.

"The rise of the far right, driven by Islamophobia in Europe, UK and the West. And we are now seeing the culmination of, not years, actually, decades of anti-migrant, anti-Muslim rhetoric being normalised in the political discourse now playing out in the most horrendous, violent way possible.

"That genuinely makes me question whether or not my family has an existence here in the UK or not."

Mr Yousaf added that he "loves" Scotland and doesn't want to leave, adding that he has received "hundreds of messages from the Muslim community saying the same thing".

The SNP backbencher also spoke about how he would laugh at his father when he created Pakistani identity cards and Pakistani passports.

“He said, ‘You just never know, son. One day we might need to leave this country.’

"We would laugh at my dad and say, ‘What a ridiculous suggestion.’ Now I’m thinking: ‘Well actually, maybe it wasn’t such a ridiculous suggestion.’"

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