Aberdeen Inspired comment on business support

In light of the package of measures to support businesses by UK government earlier this week, there is now a call for the Scottish Government to do likewise in support of companies north of the border.

Adrian Watson, chief executive of Aberdeen Inspired (Business Improvement District) and national chair for Scotland of the Association of Town & City Management (ATCM), said: “The level of pressure on the High Street is well documented and Aberdeen is no different from this. Many of our businesses in the city centre report significant challenges, not least with business rates, and this has recently been compounded by restrictions and uncertainties with COVID-19, making it a very difficult trading environment indeed.

“With all that in mind, there has never been a time when our businesses in Aberdeen city centre and across Scotland have more needed reassurance and clarity from Scottish Government on what tangible support will be put in place, with consideration to a further business rates relief scheme that eases some of the burden on all those paying.”

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