The City Voice questionnaire will be issued to members of the Citizens Panel this week to seek opinions on a wide range of topics that affect day-to-day life in Aberdeen.

Aberdeen City Council is also issuing an open invitation to all residents to take part.

There are currently over 1,400 panellists and they are asked to complete one or two questionnaires each year. The results of the surveys are used to help shape policy, measure performance and plan future service delivery.

However, following a successful pilot project in 2017 the questionnaire was opened up to any resident, aged 16 and over.

The latest edition of the questionnaire is available to complete at the Aberdeen City Council consultation hub webpage .

The City Voice is an initiative by the Community Planning Aberdeen partnership which includes Aberdeen City Council, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, NHS Grampian and Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations.

Councillor Jenny Laing, co-leader of Aberdeen City Council and chair of Community Planning Aberdeen, said: “The views of residents from the across the city are vital to shaping the plans for the future and City Voice has been an important tool for gathering feedback and gaining valuable insight. We hope to continue building on the solid foundations of recent years and would encourage anyone with an interest in these key topics to share their opinions.”

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