Anderson Anderson & Brown receive personal congratulations from the Minister for Youth and Women's Employment after attaining the new Investors in Young Perople accreditation.

Aberdeen based accountancy firm Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP (AAB) has achieved the double success of Investors in Young People and 15 years of Investors in People accreditation.

Investors in Young People is the only people management standard that focuses on an employer’s recruitment and retention of young people. This represents a true commitment to the training and development of young people and demonstrates AAB as an employer of choice for young people.

Launched in July 2014, Investors in Young People originated through a key recommendation from the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce, led by Sir Ian Wood. The accreditation is offered to all businesses across Scotland and exists to recognise and support organisations across Scotland in the employment of young people.

The firm’s achievement of the Investors in Young People award resulted in Annabelle Ewing, the Minister for Youth and Women’s Employment, sending her personal congratulations and thank you to AAB; “I greatly appreciate the investment of time and effort that your company makes, not only to give young people a range of employment opportunities but also to train them to high skills levels. Congratulations again on this richly deserved recognition of AAB’s commitment to introducing young people to the world of work and giving them the opportunity to develop their careers.”

Achieving Investors in People accreditation meanwhile, illustrates AAB’s dedication to their employees and demonstrates a solid foundation of good practice which remains challenging and aspirational for many organisations. Having now achieved the accreditations, AAB is now eligible to use and display the Investors in Young People and Investors in People logo and plaque, and enjoy their benefits.

Commenting on the award, Karen Stewart, Chief Human Resources Officer at AAB said, “Young people have brought vibrancy to our firm and our investment in them over the years has been essential in bringing in new ideas, enthusiasm and new ways of working and it is fantastic that this has been recognised through this accreditation which we are thrilled to have achieved. We were equally delighted to receive a personal note of thanks and congratulations from Annabelle Ewing for our commitment to this area of our recruitment initiatives.

We are incredibly proud of the various training programmes which we offer to young people to build a fulfilling and progressive professional career which is something that we as a firm see as being key to moulding the business professionals of the future, both within our core accounting business but also within other specialist areas and our support team. This ethos has been a success to date with many of our employees who joined as a ‘young person’ now at Manager, Senior Manager and even Partner level. Young people truly are the future of our firm.”

Peter Russian, Chief Executive of Investors in People Scotland, said “I’m delighted that AAB has achieved IIYP and IIP accreditation. To see over 1,000 young people working in IIYP accredited organisations in such a short space since the launch date is testimony of the appeal, rigour and value that organisations across Scotland are putting on the award. We now have organisations accredited in nearly every geographical part of Scotland covering the private, public and third sector”

About Investors in Young People

Investors in Young People offers a practical, flexible and easy to use tool to assist in the recognition and support in recruitment, training and retention of young people.The Investors in Young People framework responds to a need to bring young people into the workplace and the difference in recruitment, support, management and development that young people require.

For more information on Investors in Young People please visit

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