Award-winning Fraserburgh café leads the way  with shopfront facelift as part of regeneration work

The Fraserburgh 2021 project has made a second small grant award aimed at improving the appearance of shopfronts in the town centre conservation area.

Nooks and Crannies in Cross Street will receive new windows, doors and signage employing traditional joiner work, glazing techniques and materials.

Fraserburgh 2021 project officer, Sofia Oliveira, said: “We’re really pleased to be bringing a traditional looking shopfront to Cross Street and we’re hoping it will inspire others in the town centre.”

The works, which include a hand-painted sign, will be carried out over the coming month.

Nooks and Crannies owner, Malcolm Watson, said: “We’ve received several industry awards this year. The exterior renovations will transform the look of the café – and will reflect the quality of the business we’ve worked hard to build up.”

Ten other projects are earmarked for improvements between now and the end of the Fraserburgh 2021 project. Exterior renovations to the ‘Penny Schoolie’ building in College Bounds (now linked to the Church Centre in Barrasgate Road) recently got underway.

Regeneration Development Partnership chairman, councillor Brian Topping, said: “We’re really grateful to the funders for contributing to the small grant scheme. It’s all part of the wider effort to support job creation and a vibrant economy for Fraserburgh.”

The £5.8m Fraserburgh 2021 Town Centre Conservation Area Regeneration scheme (CARS) initiated in 2017, is part of the wider Aberdeenshire Council-led Fraserburgh 2021 Regeneration Project.

Sponsors are Aberdeenshire Council, Historic Environment Scotland and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Chairman of Aberdeenshire Council’s Infrastructure Services Committee, Peter Argyle, said: “As a council we have made a significant commitment to regeneration, strengthening the economy and improving our town centres and it’s fantastic to see the practical result of that filtering through, providing real and visible improvements in communities such as this.”

Business owner Malcolm Watson outside Nooks and Crannies shopfront, Fraserburgh

Business owner Malcolm Watson outside Nooks and Crannies shopfront, Fraserburgh

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