NHS Grampian Innovation Hub and the National Robotarium would like to invite potential industry partners to an exciting event exploring how we can use robotic technology to better carry out activities in NHS Scotland and beyond. This event will bring together NHS staff, National Robotarium experts and industry to explore ways in which we can jointly develop and test prototype solutions.
NHS staff in the domestic, catering, nursing and pharmacy services have helped to generate examples of where robotic technology could help healthcare organisations become substantially more efficient, allowing pressured staff to get on with other important activities.
During the event, NHS staff will describe a range of interesting challenges and tasks that could be carried out by robotic technology including meal plating and portioning in kitchens, cleaning at height, changing curtains, patient self-administration of drugs and dispensing controlled drugs on the wards.
Industry will have opportunities to discuss directly with frontline NHS staff the nature of their challenges, arrange site visits where that is helpful and network with the view to creating consortia.
This could be an interesting opportunity for companies already working in healthcare but also others applying robotic technology solutions in different industrial areas.
The event will be face-to-face, and hosted on Tuesday, August 23 at the Suttie Centre on the Foresterhill Health Campus, Aberdeen.
Register here.
Contact the Innovation Hub for more info: gram.innovation-hub@nhs.scot