Bucksburn pupils get ready for school rebuilding mission in Nepal
Councillor John Wheeler with pupils from Bucksburn Academy

Councillor John Wheeler with pupils from Bucksburn Academy

14 Bucksburn Academy pupils are getting ready to take part in a school rebuilding mission below the mighty mountain peaks of the Himalayas.

Departing in June 2019, the group are currently fundraising in preparation for the trek to Nepal where the big-hearted S5 youngsters will be carrying out volunteer work at a school charity project in the Trusilli Valley; helping a community to rebuild their school following the 2015 earthquake which shattered the region.

The Aberdeen pupils will also be participating in some lessons with local children as well as visiting the capital Kathmandu and Chitwan National Park. The team will also take part in low-level treks in the Pokhara area.

Councillor John Wheeler, education operational delivery convener, paid a trip to Bucksburn Academy to see how the pupils’ preparations were coming along. He said “This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone involved to learn about another country and culture while also making a positive contribution to the lives of their fellow pupils in Nepal.

“Congratulations to the pupils for all their dedication and efforts so far and my best wishes to them for their adventure to come.

Bucksburn Academy teacher, Kim Finlayson has been helping organise the trip, said: “Our pupils are very excited about travelling abroad and representing their home town and country.

They hope to learn more in the areas of ecological, environmental and geographical studies, volunteering, charity work, global citizenship, as well as, building life skills including team work, empathy, communication, self-awareness and become more ‘worldly wise’. The expedition will be a huge personal challenge for all involved.”

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