Dyce-based charity, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, is offering free workshops and one-to-one video calls to people with asthma and their carers.

The charity has successfully delivered asthma information workshops around Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire for nearly three years, helping people understand asthma better and how to live with the condition.

In these workshops the discussion focuses on asthma symptoms and triggers, how to minimise these triggers, asthma management, inhaler techniques, asthma medication and what to do in the event of an asthma attack. It’s all useful information and very practical advice for asthma sufferers and those who care for them.

As children settle into a new school term the charity is getting back into the swing of things too, delivering information workshops to schools across Scotland. The Foundation firmly believes that a young person’s asthma should not be a reason for them to miss out on opportunities available to their friends and classmates.

By providing this information and raising awareness of asthma it enables workshop attendees to manage their asthma better and helps them live healthier, more active and symptom-free lifestyles.

Over the last few years, nearly all primary schools in Aberdeen have taken up the offer of the free 'My Breath is My Life' asthma information workshops. Before the CV19 pandemic Asthma and Allergy Foundation delivered the sessions face-to-face in classrooms and assembly halls all over the city; since March 2020 all the workshops have been delivered on line via video calls.

These sessions can provide teachers and pupils with a greater understanding of asthma, and ensure correct procedures are in place within the school to help children manage their asthma. The Foundation can arrange the sessions at the most convenient time for participants. They can be scheduled for in-service days, after school hours or as lunch and learn sessions.

And of course, this service is not restricted to schools. The charity is available to work with anyone with asthma who is seeking advice and it has scheduled one-to-one calls with asthma sufferers of all ages and with parents and carers anxious about their child’s asthma.

The workshops are also available for older people, too. Pre-pandemic, the charity held sessions in most of Aberdeen’s sheltered housing complexes and the charity’s team is on standby to commence these workshops again as soon as it is appropriate to do so. On-line sessions and video call options are available now.

If you have any questions about asthma or would like to arrange a customised workshop to suit you or your organisation please call 01224 973 001, email info@asthmaandallergy.org.uk or visit www. asthmaandallergy.org.uk for more information.

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