COVID-19 update from MISS

In a statement issued today, MISS founder and chair Abi Clarke said:

"MISS is a support service for women and men who have suffered a miscarriage. Due to the coronavirus, we have had to cancel all of our support groups and 1:1's for the foreseeable future.

"However we will still have video and audio call options at the same timings/dates throughout the month to provide support and information for our members. These calls can be used to share your experience, discuss symptoms, ask questions and anything else. The dates for these are Thursday April 9, 7.15-9.30pm and/or Monday April 13, 10-11am.

"Alternatively if any of these dates/times do not suit please email: and we can arrange another date suitable for you. The number to contact is: 07808 638428. Please remember you are not alone and we will support you throughout.

"Due to the Coronavirus, our recently appointed Secretary Ioana Trandafir has had to travel back to her home country: Romania and will be staying there temporarily until the situation in UK returns back to its normal self. Therefore we have appointed committee member, Anna Rist as a temporary secretary to cover Ioana while she is away. We thank you both for all your time and efforts to MISS.

"We are delighted to announce that AC Weddings & Events are working alongside with Brett Townsley, director of Omniscent Safety Innovations, to launch a new Facebook page called 'Make Mind Matters'. We started this page slightly earlier than expected because with the ongoing situation of coronavirus we would like to provide support for those who are suffering from mental health or anxiety from this changing period. The page will be used to add motivational quotes and show the type of support available in the local community as well as events coming up which you may be interested in."

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