Develop your Leadership Effectiveness with Insights Discovery

Here at BlueSky Experiences, we understand the importance of Leadership Effectiveness within the workplace. Having been involved in a number of tailored programmes for leadership teams across the UK, we've spotted this trend and believe this type of development would be of interest to our community.

Following on from our successful Spring Insights Discovery workshops, we are hosting a series of workshops aimed at helping you to explore how Insights Discovery can help you improve Leadership Effectiveness in the workplace. This workshop will help you identify your preferred leadership strengths and the implications of overusing those strengths or failing to use the range of colour energies available to you.

Our workshops are famous for their blended learning approach. We incorporate experiential learning activities throughout the session which embeds the learning and individuals experience the qualities required of a leader, and their followers.

Leadership traits are then linked to preferred colour energies and their associated communication styles.

Attend our workshop to execute your understanding of...
  • Leadership strengths and overplayed strengths
  • The importance of varied leadership styles
  • The benefits of having a mix of colour energies in the workplace
  • Exploring the strengths and development areas identified within your Discovery profile
  • Introducing the Discovery feedback model to your workplace
  • The motivators and de-motivators within your team
  • Where members of your team sit on the Discovery team wheel and how to get the best out of them
  • Using the Discovery Communication Radar to explore the wants and needs of your followers
  • How to develop an effective Leadership Action Plan
Book a workshop near you...

Our workshops are very popular and places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment! Register your place today by emailing and stating which session you would like to attend.

If you have any questions before booking your place, please don't hesitate to give us a call on 01738 840 804.

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