Aberdeenshire Council has published a Flood Protection Order for Stonehaven, marking a milestone in a £15 million project to alleviate future flooding.

A flood protection scheme for the River Carron is proposed following a number of floods in recent years which significantly impacted local homes and businesses.

It has been in development for a number of years and a detailed, finalised design is being produced following consultation with the community and interested parties.

There is a statutory process which Aberdeenshire Council has to follow when promoting a flood scheme.

The process is intended to make sure that those affected know what is proposed, how it will affect them and how they can make their views known.

There has been, and will continue to be, consultation with the wider general public, as well as the statutory stakeholders, community council, landowners, planning department, SEPA, Historic Scotland, the local Fisheries Board and Stonehaven Flood Action Group as the project progresses.

The Flood Order for Stonehaven, which would allow the Council to construct a flood protection scheme on privately owned land, has now been published.

Documents setting out the proposals are now available and notification of the start of the process has been given to certain parties specified by law, including owners, tenants and/or occupiers of land and property needed for the scheme.

The documents published are:

  • A description of the operations to be carried out
  • Maps, plans, studies and specifications for these operations
  • Explanation of how these operations will contribute to the implementation of any flood risk management plan

Web pages have been created on the Aberdeenshire Council website to provide information on the scheme. All critical project updates will be uploaded so that progress can be followed.

Documents relating to the Flood Protection Scheme are available to view in Stonehaven at the town’s library, or the Aberdeenshire Council offices at Viewmount and Carlton House. They are also available to view at the council’s Aberdeen headquarters, Woodhill House.

The design of the scheme and further information is available at: http://bit.ly/StonehavenFPS

Construction of the main scheme is expected to take between 18-24 months – a variety of research and construction works outwith the main scheme have already been implemented in the town.

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