Most working women (aged 40-60) have experienced symptoms related to the menopause transition and over half have been unable to go into work at some point due to menopause symptoms.

Some people find it hard to manage menopause symptoms at work. It’s important to remember that the menopause is a normal time in women’s lives and that support should be available to help them feel comfortable at work and ensure that women experiencing menopausal symptoms are supported to remain in work.

NHS Grampian’s Healthy Working Lives Team is offering businesses the opportunity to attend its free 'Menopause Awareness' session for line managers and supervisors.

This session aims to explore:

  • What the menopause is and its impact in the workplace.
  • The legal context and how to equip line managers and supervisors with knowledge to manage the menopause as a workplace concern.
  • Practical steps to becoming a 'menopause aware' workplace, including the creation of menopause guidance and policy.

This session will be delivered virtually on MS Teams, Thursday December 19, 2024, 10am-11am.

For further information or to book a place for this free session, please email us at

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