Would you like to inspire young people to choose a tech-related career, and build your future talent pipeline at the same time?
Skills Development Scotland shows you how to get started with offering a young person a work placement, career or workplace insight session. Find out about the options available and benefits to your organisation.
What will you learn?
- The benefits of work placements for young people, for your organisation and your people
- The types of work placement and experiences available, and the flexibility employers have in delivering them
- What’s involved, how to approach it, and what makes a great work placement
- The resources, help and support available and next steps
Who should attend?
- Organisations and individuals who want to find out how to offer a valuable work placement
- Individuals who currently supervise and manage work placements and work experience opportunities
- Open to all employers with a requirement for digital and technology skills including SME’s and larger organisations
When is it?
This webinar takes place on Monday, March 27 2pm -3pm.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/support-your-future-workforce-with-a-tech-work-placement-tickets-547799050707
Skills Development Scotland organises the session in partnership with DYW NorthEast, Aberdeen City and Shire Councils, and Opportunity North East.
If you have any questions about this webinar or registration, please contact info@dyw.org.uk