Children from the Banana Moon Nursery at Grandhome helped spread some Christmas cheer around the local community when they delivered almost 400 Christmas parcels to pensioners and families.

Eleven of the nursery’s older children presented 65 parcels to the elderly residents of Jesmond Care Home last Friday; an additional 300 bags of goodies were delivered to individuals and families in the local community, with the help of Oasis Christian Fellowship Church.

Located on the edge of the Grandhome development in Bridge of Don, Banana Moon offers day care to 65 children aged from three months to five years old.

Nursery Manager Terry Wiseman said that pupils visit the residents of Jesmond Care Home every fortnight.

“Jesmond nursing home is a very special place for the children – they love visiting the residents there so this year we decided to gift Christmas parcels containing socks, sweets, crackers, hand lotion, mince pies, chocolates, and mints.

“We have strong links to the church, so we helped them hand out another 300 community parcels of soup, pasta, coffee, sugar, sweets, biscuits tea and all funded by the nursery and the church.

“It’s important for the children to understand that Christmas is about giving as well as receiving and helping those in the community.”

William Paton, of the Grandhome Trust, said: “We are very proud to have Banana Moon at Grandhome – it’s a fantastic nursery.

“As well as looking after the children of Grandhome, it plays a key role in the local community. Bringing together the pupils and the elderly residents of Jesmond Care Home is beneficial for everyone and shows the children the importance of kindness and caring for others. The Grandhome Trust wishes all the staff a very Merry Christmas.”

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