DataFest19 Fringe: iCAIRD in the North | Events | What's On | The University of Aberdeen

Launch event for Scotland's new Industrial Centre for AI Research in Digital Diagnostics: vision & opportunities in Grampian.

The Industrial Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research in Digital Diagnostics, known as iCAIRD, brings together a pan-Scotland consortium of 13 partners from across academia, the NHS, and industry.

In November 2018, the UK Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) announced a £10m Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund government investment in iCAIRD, matched by £5.8m from industry.

iCAIRD will be a Scottish centre of excellence focusing on the application of AI in digital diagnostics, ultimately enabling better and earlier diagnosis and more efficient treatment for patients – while also creating new jobs centred around AI and digital technology in healthcare.

This Grampian launch event will introduce iCAIRD, describing its background and intent, what organisations are involved and what we are funded to do over the coming three years. We will describe our vision of what overwhelming success would look like, encourage clinicians, academics and industrialists to propose additional projects that could benefit from the iCAIRD infrastructure and framework, and make clear to the public what use might be made of patient data and what data governance rules and procedures are in place.

All are welcome at this event, which will involve a panel of speakers representing local iCAIRD partners, a question and answer style discussion, and an informal networking opportunity.

Click here to find out more.

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