IFB to offer free service to help businesses set up smart

IFB has launched a free service to assist companies with business continuity in light of the potential impact of COVID-19.

The service advises on key considerations and actions on what firms can do to prepare, in advance, for any self-selected or imposed need to move some, or all, of their workforces out of the office to home or remote locations.

The Aberdeen based digital communication company has already been supporting its customers in the planning and implementation of their contingency plans but has set up this free service to help firms accelerate their ability to offer remote working.

IFB’s chief executive, Graeme Gordon, said: “In these unprecedented times, protecting the health and wellbeing of employees, while maintaining business productivity and continuity is a major dilemma for business.

“To help with this we’ve set up our online, one-to-one remote and home-working clinic designed to support customers, of all sizes. It’s not just about technology. It’s about how the technology can be used correctly to support remote working for teams of people who are used to working in close proximity whilst maintaining that critical feeling of teamwork and support.”

Using IFB’s free of charge, 15-minute checklist, a company can review its readiness for remote and home working.

The sessions run through some basic do’s and don’ts about getting the most out of remote working practices and technologies, which may already be in place. They provide advice on how to ensure these help teams and businesses work more safely and effectively in times of crisis.

Mr Gordon added: “In some cases, this review has really accelerated our customers’ thinking and actions in advance of any potential large-scale disruption.”

IFB is a member of the Scottish Business Resilience Centre which exists to create a secure environment where business can trade securely, regardless of size and sector.

Eamonn Keane of SBRC commented “Initiatives such as those underway from IFB supporting its business customers of all sizes plan and prepare at a time of stress and uncertainty is great something we are SBRC are delighted to support IFB in as a member.”

Customer sessions can be booked by contacting IFB on 0845 270 2101 or info@ifb.net.

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