The minimum wage is set to rise by £1,800 a year for full-time workers over 23, with people aged 21 and 22 seeing the benefit for the first time.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has reduced the age that National Living Wage (NLW) will apply from, going from 23 to 21, meaning younger full-time workers will in effect see an annual pay rise of £2,300.

It's currently sat at £10.42 an hour, but will rise to £11.44 from April.

Workers aged 21 and 22 on NLW earn £10.18 an hour.

National Minimum Wage, a separate pay ladder for people younger than 21, will also rise.

18-20-year-olds will a rise from £7.49 to £8.60 an hour, while pay for an apprentice will shoot up more than 20% from £5.28 to £6.40.

All of the policy changes were proposed to Hunt by the Low Pay Commission and will affect around two million people in the UK.

The chancellor said: "Next April, all full-time workers on the national living wage will get a pay rise of over £1,800 a year. That will end low pay in this country, delivering on our manifesto promise.

"The national living wage has helped halve the number of people on low pay since 2010, making sure work always pays."

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