Modern marketing meetup launches in Aberdeen

A local entrepreneur has taken it upon himself to launch a modern marketing meetup in the North-east of Scotland.

Based in Aberdeen initially, the meetup is designed to be a relaxed, informal event for local marketers to meet and discuss matters of importance to the industry at large.

As such, the event is open to client-side marketers, agencies, media owners and students alike. Beyond that, anyone with an interest in marketing may find the topics of discussion pertinent to their work.

Event organiser Adam Bell, said: “I’ve worked in London, Melbourne and most recently Leeds and one thing that struck me about coming back to my hometown is the lack of collaboration between industry professionals. Throughout my career I have frequently attended industry conferences and networked with partners and competitors alike.”

Based on the aphorism 'a rising tide lifts all boats', Bell believes that by working as an industry to improve the general economy, that all participants in that economy will ultimately benefit.

“There is a real skills gap in the area and we’re passionate about providing work opportunities in data and digital marketing for all, be that graduates coming out of local universities, those returning to work or developing the young workforce for the jobs of tomorrow," he added.

You can find out more about the event and register to attend at:

Adam Bell

Adam Bell

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