The Scottish Minsters propose to make the following Orders in connection with improving and constructing new lengths of road in relation to the A90 & A96 Haudagain Junction, Aberdeen.

  1. The A90 & A96 Trunk Roads (Haudagain Improvement) (Side Roads) Order 201[ ]
  2. The A90 & A96 Trunk Roads (Middlefield Place to Auchmill Terrace) Detrunking Order 201[ ]
  3. The A90 Trunk Road (Charleston to Blackdog) Detrunking (Variation) Order 201 [ ]
  4. The A96 Trunk Road (Dyce Drive to Haudagain Roundabout) Detrunking (Variation) Order 201 [ ]

Copies of the Order material can be viewed here on the Transport Scotland website from June 26 2015.

Public notices for the aforementioned Orders will appear in the Aberdeen Evening Express, the Press & Journal and the Edinburgh Gazette on Friday June 26 and, where appropriate, Friday July 3 2015.

Any representations in respect of the Order material should be received on or before Friday August 7 2015 in accordance with the attached Notices.

Representatives from Transport Scotland and their consultants, Jacobs, will be in attendance at the a public exhibition to answer any questions surrounding the scheme's proposals.

The venue of this event is to be the Lord Provost Henry E Rae Community Centre, Manor Avenue, Aberdeen, on Wednesday July 1 from 12 noon until 7:30pm, and Thursday July 2 from 10am until 6pm.

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