Ready, steady, look! Ainsley Harriott and Grace Dent will serve up the next episode of their More4 series “Best of Britain by the Sea” on Monday, June 6 at 9pm and featuring Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. Don’t miss this glorious tour of the North-east as these well-known foodies find their way round Fittie, bite into butteries then sample sumptuous seafood at the Silver Darling. From here they head north to gaze at Gardenstown’s seaviews and make a meal from produce sourced at Macduff’s traditional smokehouse Inshore Fish Supply.

Grace gets emotional watching the gannets at Troup Head before snapping up some shortbread at the surprisingly high tech Thorneybank Farm Shop en route to beautiful Burn o’ Vat.

The duo end their tour at delightful Douneside where Ainsley helps head chef Matt Price prepare a dish of retired dairy cow.

Be sure to watch this wonderful snapshot of the region on Monday, June 6 at 9pm, More4.

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