RGU and CLAN combine to launch weight management scheme

Knowing what to eat after cancer treatment and maintaining a healthy weight can be challenging, but Robert Gordon University (RGU) and CLAN Cancer Support are teaming up to support people in the North-east following National Cancer Survivors Day.

National Cancer Survivors Day will be celebrated on Sunday June 4 and this week will see the launch of 'Counterweight @ CLAN'; a new programme which will support those in the after-treatment stage of cancer who want to ensure they are taking the best approach to supporting their health.

It will be led by a qualified Counterweight practitioner and Registered Dietitian, who will provide users with the right information to make important choices regarding their diet.

Counterweight is a nationally recognised evidence-based weight management programme, which has been running for the past 10 years.

Dietary guidelines for people in the after-treatment stage of cancer includes the recommendation to maintain a healthy weight, through a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Iona Mitchell, head of cancer support services, believes that offering appropriate support in the after-treatment stages of a cancer diagnosis can be as important as supporting individuals at any other time.

She said: "CLAN exists to support anyone affected by cancer from pre-diagnosis through treatment and beyond. This includes providing the support and information people need to make informed choices about their health and lifestyle.

"With this in mind, CLAN is offering the Counterweight programme to clients throughout the North-east who wish to take a proactive approach to maintaining a healthy weight, which may also be beneficial in terms of cancer prevention.

"We are delighted to be working with Lindsey and RGU and encourage anyone who would like to find out more about Counterweight @ CLAN to come along to one of our informal information events."

Lindsey Masson, a registered nutritionist and lecturer in RGU's School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, has collaborated with CLAN on a number of projects over the past three years.

She will be working closely with the organisation to evaluate the programme going forward and is keen to help maintain its delivery for the betterment of those in the community who have experienced a cancer diagnosis.

She said: "While Counterweight is a proven and effective method for people to learn how to control their weight and improve their health, this will be the first time it has been specifically delivered to this particular section of society.

"Following each session, participants will be asked to provide some brief feedback, such as writing down their thoughts, experiences, what they've learned and what they think of the programme.

"With that information and a better understanding of the challenges facing cancer survivors regarding weight management, I will work with CLAN to tailor the programme going forward to increase its success.

"I look forward to continuing my long-standing relationship with CLAN and working to improve the lives of those in the community whose lives have been affected by cancer."

Anyone who is interested in learning more about Counterweight @ CLAN can contact CLAN Cancer Support on 01224 647 000.

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