The Scottish Government has unveiled plans to restrict the promotion of high in fat, sugar or salt (HFSS) products, including limiting the sale of products in meal deals.

The plans say the promotions "encourage consumers to purchase more than they may have otherwise planned, in order to get the deal", which can often include HFSS items.

The new proposals would limit offers on multipack goods, such as crisps and sodas, banning any deals, such as buy one get one free, across HFSS products, similar to the approach in England.

But unlike laws south of the border, the Scottish Government is proposing a number of restrictions on meals deals.

These include:

  • Meal deals cannot contain HFSS targeted foods
  • Meal deals can contain up to one HFSS targeted foods
  • Meal deals cannot contain targeted HFSS discretionary foods

Jenni Minto, minister for public health and women’s health, said: "Scotland has an issue with high levels of overweight and obesity and poor diet, which can have serious consequences for our health.

"The association between poor diet, excess weight and health outcomes such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers has been established for some time.

"What surrounds us shapes our health. This is why measures to transform the food environment are so important – to support people to eat well by making the healthier choice, the easy choice."

The consultation, which is open until May 21, also considers location restriction such as checkouts, aisle ends and front of store for HFSS products.

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