Scottish Power is planning to spend £5.4billion upgrading energy transmission lines to enable more renewable energy to be transported south.

The investment will build four high-voltage power transmission lines, including two undersea lines running from the east coast. The location of two more onshore cables has yet to be determined.

Scottish Power's ten-year plan is expected to be a key driver in meeting net-zero targets in Scotland and the UK, with electricty consumption across the UK expected to rise by 50% by 2035 as people shift towards electric vehicles and electric heat pumps.

'Get serious' about renewables

The chief executive of Scottish Power, Keith Anderson, said the contracts are just the start of future spending by the group.

He added: “We’re kickstarting the largest overhaul of the grid since its inception.

"Our investment plans will help grow our electricity networks, grow our workforce and will provide a massive opportunity for the supply chain while unlocking growth for the wider economy.

"It is vital we get serious about getting on with the job of consenting and getting this new grid built so that we can take advantage of clean green renewables, transport it around the country and lock in our energy security and maintain the UK’s track record in leading on decarbonisation."

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