Shopping Centre raises over £3,000 for ‘One Great Day’

The Trinity Centre has successfully fundraised over £3,000 for One Great Day.

The Trinity Centre hosted a carnival family fun day on Saturday (June 27) and managed to “fun raise” £2,380 to benefit children in the North-East of Scotland and across the UK. One hundred percent of what was raised will be split equally between Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital and The Archie Foundation.

General Manager, Linda Stewart said, “Saturday turned out to be a wonderful day, a fantastic amount was raised for two worthy causes and we and the public had great fun doing so. We would like to thank the public who came down and participated, we hope everyone had a great time. Every single penny that was donated will benefit children across the UK and here in Aberdeen.”

The Trinity Centre is one of 9 shopping centres part of The Ellandi Scheme who had taken on the challenge of hosting a One Great Day Charity Event. The centre is also taken part in the #EllandiPuzzleChallenge, as part of Ellandi’s fourth retail rocks conference, and has succeeded in getting £1,000 of sponsorship from their contractors.

All 21 Ellandi centre managers have been challenged to raise a minimum of £1,000 – each centre will be given a piece of a larger puzzle and will have 24 hours to get the piece to London where the puzzle will be assembled at the Geological Society on July 2, where the Ellandi conference will be taking place. Ellandi are attempting to raise £21,000 for One Great Day.

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