Social occasions will mark the anniversary, including a civic reception and a staff celebration.

Scarf was founded in 1985 as Save Cash And Reduce Fuel and since then it has built a significant reputation, widely recognised as a major frontline energy advice service provider.

The alleviation of fuel poverty and reduction of carbon emissions has been at Scarf's heart for the 30 years, with the intention of having a positive and practical impact on their customers and it has done so by delivering high-quality advice programmes.

By working in partnership and establishing productive relationships with organisations in the third, public and private sectors Scarf has always sought to maximise its potential to deliver positive change.

Scarf continues to develop and connect with more people make a lasting difference in alleviating poverty and reducing inequality.

Thane Lawrie, Chief Executive at Scarf, said: "It is a fantastic achievement that Scarf has been in business for 30 years and is now seen as a leader in the energy efficiency and fuel poverty fields. Our staff are bursting with ideas for the future and I look forward to the next 30 years with confidence."

Ed Rennie, Chairman of Scarf, said: "It is a huge privilege for me to have been a Board member and more recently, Chairman of Scarf, primarily for two reasons; firstly the positive impact that we have made on people’s lives and the ever-increasing need for us to do so and secondly, to work alongside some of the most committed and passionate staff and Board members that I have ever experienced."

In 2015 Scarf is a vibrant social enterprise, driven by its values to lead; act with integrity; treat all with respect and pursue excellence. Scarf empowers its staff with the means to shape the way they work and to take ownership of their personal and professional development at Scarf.

Neil Stuart joined Scarf in 1988 as an insulation installer and has progressed to his current role as Green Deal Specialist. He said: "Scarf has offered training, skills and personal development and has given me a purpose in doing what I can to reduce fuel poverty and help the environment.

"Throughout my career I have seen the impact of fuel poverty and the real difference that Scarf has had to people’s lives. I can honestly say that I am part of a team of dedicated people and have seen Scarf evolve into a forward thinking organisation that genuinely cares for the staff and the customers we help."

The social enterprise is achieving their goals with a motivated and satisfied team. This year, Scarf was named as one of the 100 Best Not-For-Profit Organisations To Work For in the UK, rising 12 places in the 2014 listings to 35 - the only organisation in the north east to make the list.

Last week, Scarf was re-accredited with the Investors In People award, and accredited with Investors In Young People for the first time.

Scarf plans only to continue this progress in the years to come.

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