Space Solutions has launched its 4th survey to understand attitudes to smarter working and the workplace.

From the outset they have been interested not on only the physical environment but in how your people are adapting to ongoing change.

Three years ago this month, we entered the first lockdown and the impact is still being felt in the workplace sector.

Speaking to clients, there is a request for certainty in where the workplace sector is heading, Space hope to offer through the findings of this survey a narrative on emerging trends and aspirations.

The survey should take you around 10-15 minutes to complete and is intended to capture the perceptions regarding your own organisation.

Workplace Survey 2023 - Space Solutions

The first survey in the series was carried out in 2020 to examine the move to working from home, the 2nd anticipated the return to the workplace, while the 3rd looked at the future of workplace.

This survey touches upon attendance in the workplace – one of the most discussed workplace topics. You can view previous survey reports here.

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