Therapeutic sensory space created for people with disabilities within their Aberdeen home

Specialist sensory equipment combining lighting effects, colours, textures and sounds will “open up a whole new world” within the home of four people living with physical and learning disabilities.

The four people are cared for by leading social care provider, Cornerstone, who are able to make this specialist equipment available after gaining funding for its purchase, installation and maintenance for a year from Aberdeen Standard Investments Charitable Foundation.

The residents are wheelchair users who require round-the-clock care and cannot communicate verbally. As they have aged, their mobility has worsened and it has become even more difficult to find activities to meet their needs. It was feared that this would have a negative impact on their emotional and mental wellbeing. With access to this equipment, the individuals will be given a new and exciting way to interact with the world.

Cornerstone’s Lisa Duthie said: “This support will make a huge difference to the lives of those living at Bob Cooney Court. It is vital to find activities which keep their mind and body active as they grow older. It can be hard to find community accessible activities for them to take part in. With Aberdeen Standard Investments’ help, we’re able to purchase a portable sensory unit which can be fitted with a range of sensory stimuli which will open a whole new world for our clients to enjoy.

“This is suited to the needs of these residents who can't communicate verbally. Having something that they can engage with and access when they need to relax will make a massive difference to their lives.”

For people with cognitive and physical impairments, the range of stimuli created by this type of equipment helps to engage their senses and interact with their surroundings and ways they would not be possible otherwise. Benefits include increased exercise, improved hand/eye coordination, increased alertness and above all, confidence.

In addition to having a dedicated space for therapeutic use within their home, the sensory equipment is portable and can be taken to individuals if required, allowing it to be used in an individual's bedroom to help them sleep, or brought through to the living room to help calm someone.

Aberdeen-based Cornerstone has provided care for children, young people and adults with disabilities and other support needs for more than 35 years. Its purpose is ‘to deliver high quality care and support that enables everyone to live a valued life – the life they choose’. It provides a wide range of services to more than 2,200 people and their families across Scotland, caring for individuals of all ages with a variety of needs including learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities and dementia.

Claire Drummond, head of charitable giving for Aberdeen Standard Investments said: “This project matches Aberdeen Standard Investments Charitable Foundation's vision to support and impact the local community by enriching lives, and this will support adults who have high dependency needs whilst improving their home environment.”

The Aberdeen Standard Investments Charitable Foundation was established in 2012 to formalise and develop the Group’s charitable giving globally. The Foundation seeks partnerships with smaller charities around the world, where funds can be seen to have a meaningful and measurable impact. It encourages its employees to use their time and skills to support its charitable projects. For more information click here.

Claire Drummond, head of charitable giving for Aberdeen Standard Investments Charitable Foundation

Claire Drummond, head of charitable giving for Aberdeen Standard Investments Charitable Foundation

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