Here's what's happening in politics across the UK, Scotland and North-east today.
Scottish Parliament
Business of interest includes:
- General Questions
- Questions of interest include: “To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the PricewaterhouseCoopers report that Scotland lost on average four shops a day in 2021”
- Questions of interest include: “To ask the First Minister, in light of the steps being taken to return to normality after the COVID-19 pandemic, what extra help is being provided to support people’s mental health” (Gillian Martin)
- First Minister’s Questions.
- Members’ Business – S6M-03136 Michelle Thomson: International Women’s Day 2022: Break the Bias
- Portfolio Questions: Rural Affairs and Islands
- Ministerial Statement: The Introduction of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill
- Scottish Government Debate: The Value of Public Service Broadcasting to Scotland
- Decision Time
These Committees meet in the morning:
- Public Audit Committee
- Social Justice and Social Security Committee
- Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee
- COVID-19 Recovery Committee
- Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee
UK Parliament
Business of interest includes:
- Oral questions (International Trade)
- Oral questions (Impact of UK sanctions against Russia since the invasion of Ukraine)
- International Agreements Committee – Oral evidence (UK-India trade negotiations)
Aberdeen City Council
No business.
Aberdeenshire Council
No business.