Professor Sir Ian Diamond, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen is calling for organisations and communities to pull together to create the city centre they deserve, and which Aberdeen needs to stake its place in the world.

This week the University welcomed over a thousand visitors to the annual summer graduations, among them many alumni who shared warm memories of their time as students in Aberdeen and returned this week as successful international figures to inspire the next generation, or as proud parents and relatives of graduating students.

Speaking at the end of this week of happy celebration Professor Diamond said: “We have enjoyed, as an Aberdeen family, a wonderful week in the splendid setting of King’s College remarked on by so many visitors and local residents alike and kindling wonderful memories for returning alumni. In September thousands of new students from all over the UK and the world will descend on the Granite City, eager to experience for themselves everything that they expect from a world-ranked university in a beautiful region recognised for its quality of life and achievements in so many fields. This will be their home for the next few years and many will stay or return at some point due to the experience they have.

“Creating a city centre to match our proud history, our commitment to quality of life and environmental sustainability - and our ambitions for our city and region on an international stage - is a priority the urgency of which cannot be under-estimated. The masterplan unveiled this week by Aberdeen City Council presents the opportunity to create the city that our communities, public services, businesses – and the providers of world-class education and life-changing research – deserve. It is imperative that we do not miss or delay this chance to create an environment in which we can all thrive and grow, and which will serve as a magnet for inward investment, tourism, talent and enterprise.

“This is a time for partnership and for rising together to this challenge. We at the University of Aberdeen are ready to play our part.”

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