The director of public health in the North-east has issued an update and asked for support in stopping the spread of CV19 over the Christmas period.

The letter from Susan Webb states:

"Aberdeen City continues to see the number of CV19 cases increase. Of the new cases each week we can link 55% of them to clusters or outbreaks – so we can explain them, we can take action to break the chains for transmission and reduce further spread.

"However, 45% of the new cases are not connected to known situations. It is for this reason that we need to involve people, businesses and organisations everywhere in helping us to stop the spread of CV19.

"Locations continually mentioned by those positive to our Test and Protect team include workplaces, shops, and hospitality venues – including pubs and restaurants. Analytics have shown a large amount of people have returned to their workplaces, we would ask businesses and organisations to only have staff working from the office if it is vital – it is still best
practice, and Scottish Government advice, to work from home where possible.

"Clusters in workplaces have highlighted lack of consistent application of policies within the workplace e.g. communal areas and equipment, adequate bins, regular changing of face masks, cleaning of high
touch areas, car sharing and hand washing. Hospitality and leisure remain areas to continue our focus.

"We understand that the current climate continues to be a testing time for businesses across the region but each of us has a part to play ensuring the situation does not worsen further by stopping the spread. If we do not, it is eminently probable that the Scottish Government could place further
restrictions on the region in the weeks ahead to control the spread.

"It is vital individuals and organisations continue to play their part now to stop the situation in the region from worsening and the pressure on our health care facilities from increasing further.

"In this public health crisis, it is vital that everyone does what they can. Similar advice has also been sent to schools and is being shared with the public, particularly for the festive period.

"Businesses can contribute to the effort by aligning fully with published guidance. Workplace guidance is underpinned by:
• Two metres physical distancing
• Good ventilation
• The wearing of face coverings
• Effective hand and respiratory hygiene
• Appropriate risk assessment
• Supporting staff to self-isolate
• Supporting working from home and flexible working where possible

"If we all work together we can save lives, lift the pressure from NHS Grampian and, hopefully, ensure further restrictions are not put in place – but we all need to act now.

"We need both business and members of the public to comply with the regulations if we are to stop further spread and potentially further restrictions."

Further information is available at

More information on how to stop the spread of CV19 in the workplace is available in this downloadable PDF.

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