An international campaign which calls for the elimination of violence against women and children will be supported by highlighting the issue via a social media campaign and several online events which will span over two weeks in November and December.

The 16 Days of Action campaign runs from November 25 (International Day for the elimination of Violence against Women) through to December 10 (International Human Rights Day) with the aim of highlighting the connection between human rights and domestic violence.

To highlight the start of the campaign, the front of Marischal College will be lit orange on Thursday, November 25 as part of a worldwide campaign to Orange the World and spread the word about gender violence.

The campaign is about increasing women's safety, highlighting the nature and prevalence of violence against women, raising awareness of violence against women as a human rights issue, showing solidarity among women around the world, promoting women's leadership, lobbying government, and strengthening local work to tackle violence against women.

This year Aberdeen’s Violence Against Women Partnership, of which Aberdeen City Council are a member of, are focusing events on awareness raising with young people and by encouraging prominent male figures in Aberdeen to share the message of #WhatWillYouDo to tackle and eliminate violence against women and girls.

There will also be a Women’s Fair event for all women to attend but particularly for those who have experienced domestic abuse and/or violence against women. Women will have the opportunity to take part in a free Zumba class, enjoy a craft workshop and refreshments. Specialist services will also be attending the event to provide advice and support to women who attend.

As a member of the partnership, detective inspector Karen Main explains: ‘We are working closely with our partners throughout the campaign and in addition, Police Scotland are running proactive operational activity to prevent abuse and to keep people safe. We are running domestic abuse focused days throughout the North-east, taking action to prevent domestic abuse, including contacting high risk victims to make sure they are safe, to serving warrants on perpetrators.

In October 2021, Police Scotland launched a new campaign to tackle sexual violence against women. The THAT GUY campaign asks men to “look in the mirror” and change their common behaviours which women find intimidating or threatening. Its aim is to urge men to take responsibility for their actions and language to help affect a culture change to tackle sexual crime against women.

Detective inspector Karen Main further explains: ‘In the video, male actors address the viewer directly and explain how gestures that can be dismissed by some as insignificant can form part of a larger problem, from unwanted compliments to calling a woman ‘doll’. This campaign focuses on men’s attitudes and behaviours, and what all men can do to hold each other to account and prevent abuse. Women should be able to go about their daily lives without worrying about being sexually harassed, assaulted or raped.’

Watch the campaign advert on YouTube or on That Guy’s website at

Despite CV19 restrictions having been lifted, the pandemic is very much still with us and still affecting those who experience domestic abuse. If you are required to self-isolate or quarantine, it does not mean you cannot seek support and domestic abuse services are still available to help you think through your safety options and provide emotional support. You can access support by calling a national helpline or accessing support online. Local support services are also still open and have adapted the way they work to ensure you can still get the help you need.

Councillor Lesley Dunbar said: “The fight against domestic abuse involves us all and together we need to make a stand and support those experiencing it. It is time that each of us educate ourselves on what constitutes as domestic abuse and raise our awareness of the ongoing fight to eliminate it.

“I would encourage women to attend the Women’s Fair event and participate in the workshops available, as well as receiving any support they may require. I would also strongly encourage members of the public to watch the campaign advert by Police Scotland that directly tackles sexual violence against women and girls. Women should be able to go about their daily lives and enjoy themselves without the fear of violence and it takes all of us to achieve that.”

Violence against women includes but is not limited to physical, sexual, and psychological violence occurring in the family, general community or in institutions, sexual harassment and intimidation at work and in the public sphere, sexual exploitation, dowry-related violence, female genital mutilation, forced and child marriages, and honour crimes. These different forms of violence against women have their roots in gender inequality and are therefore understood as gender-based violence.

Some of the main contact numbers are listed below, more details can be found at the website address:

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