Over £50million is being invested to build a new housing estate north of Aberdeen which will create almost 300 jobs.

Barratt & David Wilson Homes North Scotland has announced plans to bring 194 new homes to Potterton on the northern edge of the city.

Having already secured approval for a masterplan of the site from Aberdeenshire Council last summer, the UK’s largest housebuilder has now submitted a planning application.

Once occupied, it will also generate £329,000 of additional Council Tax revenue for Aberdeenshire Council, boosting funding for local services.

The proposed Potterton development features a combination of one to five bedroomed homes which Barratt says will create 291 direct jobs, and support almost 600 indirectly.

David Palmer, MD at Barratt Homes North Scotland, said, “We are thrilled to have submitted our comprehensive proposals for new homes in Potterton.

"These proposals follow the approval by Aberdeenshire Council of our masterplan framework for the land to the north-east of Potterton in June last year.

“Through close collaboration with the community, partners, our ecologists and the Barratt design teams, we’ve created a plan for an attractive and thoughtful development where residents can be proud to call home.

"The proposed new development will offer homes to residents in an area where we know there’s huge demand for new homes and will also indirectly support 532 jobs in the local community.

“Potterton lies just a few miles from our main office, and we have a lot of links with the village. We are excited about this opportunity to be involved in the sustainable growth of the community and to provide new high quality energy-efficient homes.”

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