Aberdeen City Music School on the lookout for new budding musical talent

Aberdeen’s nationally renowned City Music School is on the lookout for new talent to take up the challenge of matching the musical skills of the pupils who entertained a lunchtime audience at the Citadel.

The specialist music school, based at Dyce Academy, is one of only four in Scotland and teaches talented young musicians from all over the country. The 33 musicians who currently comprise the school range from S1 to S6 with students from the upper age-range moving on to pastures new at the end of the current school year. The hunt is on to find their replacements.

Enjoying today’s 40-minute programme which featured piano, accordion and vocal soloists as well as two chamber ensembles, was Education Operational Convener, Councillor John Wheeler. Councillor Wheeler said: “As always, it was an absolute pleasure to come and listen to our talented young musicians.

“We are justly proud of Aberdeen City Music School and it’s well-deserved reputation for excellence. The challenge now is to find emerging talents to step forward and, under expert tuition, maintain the high standards set over the years.

“Our Year of Young People Creative Commissioning Fund has shown us that there is a wealth of young artistic talent across the city and I would encourage our potential young musicians to audition for Aberdeen Music School”.

All places at Aberdeen City Music Schools are free and bursaries are available for Primary 6 and 7 pupils. As well as offering tuition from tutors from across Scotland and amazing performing opportunities, the school offers a friendly family atmosphere and onsite boarding accommodation.

The next auditions for 2019 entry take place on Tuesday, December 4 and further details can be obtained by contacting the school’s director Sonia Scaife at sscaife@aberdeencity.gov.uk

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