Aberdeen Foyer has welcomed a donation from Barratt & David Wilson Homes North Scotland for £3,000 towards their Nightstop project which supports young people at risk of homelessness.

Nightstop is a national emergency accommodation service where trained and vetted volunteer hosts open-up their homes to a young person at risk of homelessness, providing a safe place to sleep, a hot meal, and a listening ear. Operated locally by Aberdeen Foyer, Nightstop North-East Scotland welcomes notes of interest to find out more about what hosting involves.

In 2022, more than 300 Nightstop hosts across the UK opened their homes to young people at risk of homelessness.

Megan Douglas, Nightstop North-east Scotland Co-ordinator said: “We are extremely grateful to Barratt & David Wilson Homes and their donation to our Nightstop initiative. This money will help us reach people who have a spare room, give them training and ultimately support them in their hosting journey. Sadly, the number of young people presenting as homeless in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire is on the rise. Just in Aberdeen, 467 young people presented as homeless in 2022. This is a 22% increase from the previous year.

"The Nightstop model offers a safe place to stay at a Host’s home for a short time while the young person is supported by Aberdeen Foyer’s wraparound support. While it is important to let potential hosts know about the service, also young people at the risk of experiencing homelessness should know of the support available to them."

The donation from Barratt & David Wilson Homes will allow us to tell more people about Nightstop, continue to support young people who are at risk of experiencing homelessness, to show them that Nightstop is the safest and most appropriate option if they find themselves with nowhere to stay.“

David Palmer, at Barratt Homes & David Wilson Homes North Scotland said: “As the country’s leading housebuilder, we are committed to making a genuine contribution towards the communities in which we build our homes.

“Nightstop is an amazing charity which supports many people in the North-east. We’re pleased to be able to provide some support which we hope will help it continue its vital work in the community.”

For more information about Nightstop North-east Scotland, please visit https://www.aberdeenfoyer.com/services/nightstop/

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